We have so many different relationships in our life and they teach us more than we realise at different levels
For most of our lives we just cruise through life dealing with family, friends, colleagues and even romantic relationship without consciously thinking of what they are teaching us or what patterns we keep repeating and more importantly why.
Maybe you’ve felt lonely most of your life or too shy around people to make new friends easily. Have you found no matter what you tried or what way you approached people, you just never felt you connected with your friends or could maintain an intimate relationship for any length of time. If this is you then you’re not alone and the good news is there is a reason this is happening and we can help you with it, the way we have help hundreds of single and married clients over the last 15 years. Again we are not taught how to connect with people at school. We mean truly connect and have full awareness of another person and who they truly are. The problem here is that we haven’t connected with ourselves first. Most people have no idea who they are, what they are about and just amble along through lift letting society, peers, family and the media dictate to them about what they ‘should’ ‘must’ or ‘need’ to do rather than working it out for themselves. So this is the starting point in our Fulfilling Relationships programme. We start with who you are, how much you know yourself and then work at filling in the gaps and then from this point, we look at how you can connect and repair or build new relationships with practically any other person in your life.How Peter ended his pattern of relationship heartache
When we first started working with Peter, we could see straight away he was jumping from relationship to relationship without taking time to heal from the previous one so there was a lot of work to do on that alone. Like most people in his situation, he had a heart wall to protect his heart from being hurt. Yet this was partly what was causing him more pain.
He was delighted to find out there was quite a bit of work to do to eliminate the emotional baggage as such but it wasn’t anything complicated.
After working with Peter for 6 weeks, we helped him understand how his marriage broke down, the valuable lessons he could take from it and how his mindset was sabotaging him as he felt he deserved to be punished for leaving his marriage too.
In the last session, we addressed one final issue with Peter around a past relationship and he then told his Faster Results Coach that unexpectedly a friend knew a woman who was also into hiking and running as well. He had met her at a dinner party and they had their first date the next night.
Later that month, Peter messaged his coach again to say they were spending Christmas together and another message in January was thanking us (again as they were progressing well) and wishing us a Happy New Year. He also add that his new partner and him were planning to climb Kilamanjaro later in the year together. We couldn’t be happier for him and wish them both the best for their future together. Save us a piece of wedding cake Peter!

How the Fulfilling Relationships programme works
We make it easy for our clients to get the benefits of this programme no matter how busy you are or what your budget is. Check out the 3 easy steps below:
You can choose to follow this programme on a weekly, monthly or even annual basis and go at your own pace depending on how much time you want to commit to it at this stage
When you sign up, you will create your username and password for your account and you have lifetime access to everything you paid for so far. If you stop payment, you just don’t receive any further updates
This is the most rewarding part for us. When we see the changes happening for our clients, it makes our hard work behind the scenes worthwhile. Sometimes the changes are so subtle and natural, the client doesn’t see it
Join us today and you can enjoy the changes in your life also
If you have any question about this programme or about relationships in general, then feel free to ask us and we’ll do our best to answer your questions within 24 hrs
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We have 3 plans to suit your budget and commitment. Your card will be charged weekly, monthly or annually and if you decide to cancel you can unsubscribe at any time.
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- Access to coaches online via group sessions
- Weekly manual and work book
- Membership of private facebook group
- Receive regular resources to help with your existing or new relationships
special offer – 1 year
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- Coaching programme manual and work book
- Direct access to coaches online and via email
- Membership of private facebook group
- Receive regular resources to help with your existing and new relationships
per month
- Direct access to coaches online and via group sessions
- Coaching programme manual and work book
- Membership of private facebook group
- Receive regular resources to help with your existing and new relationships