Let us help you get across the finish line
There are just 3 easy steps to get started ..
Step 1. Decide which package you feel is best suited for achieving your goal or goals
Step 2. Fill in the consultation request form and click the submit button to send to us
Step 3. We will respond within 24 hrs to arrange a time and date to discuss things further with you

Step 1: Choose the best consultancy package for you
BEginner results Achiever
3 months
- Work one to one with a Faster Results Consultant
- Achieve a 2-3 goals you’re currently feeling stuck with for some time
- 12 weekly sessions with your consultant
- Additional resources and tools given where needed
12 months
- Work one to one with a Faster Results Consultant
- Set and achieve many goals that you felt were impossible to achieve
- 52 weekly sessions with your consultant
- Additional resources and tools given where needed
more results achiever
6 months
- Work one to one with a Faster Results Consultant
- Set and achieve the next level of goals you want to achieve
- 24 weekly sessions with your consultant
- Additional resources and tools given where needed