The old way of coaching to achieve goals
In most communities today, success is defined by most people as having it all or living the dream! Meaning that they have achieved success in each area such as career, relationships, family, finance etc and would give themselves 10 out of 10. However from a coaching perspective this is rarely the case.
Back in the day, many coaches used this template to guage where you were in your life
The idea is that you give each area a score out of 10 and this shows the areas you need to work on with your coach. So it’ll end up looking something like this …
So in this example the person would start with the lowest scoring area and then work their way through the various areas one at a time.
The new way of coaching to achieve specific goals
With Faster Results Coaching or Consulting, we work completely differently and we know without doubt that no two clients are alike. So our approach comes down to a 4 step process
Step 1: We identify with the client what their goal is
Step 2: We assess the client through specific questions to identify the blocks in either their mindset, body energy or at even at a soul level. This can take 2- 3 sessions depending on the nature of the blocks
Step 3: We then help the client to release the blocks for their particular goal
In some cases, the goal is achieved anytime from within 24hrs to up to 3-5 days once the blocks are fully released
Example: A 34 year old divorcee client who wanted to find a relationship that will lead to a more successful and lasting marriage
– In 2-3 sessions, we identify that she has the following blocks:
– She has emotional blocks around marriage due to her first marriage
– One ancestral block on her father’s side around fidelity in relationships
– Three past life blocks – one with her mother, one with her first husband and one with her sister
– Blocks from limiting beliefs and conditioning she took on from her parents
Overall there are 11 categories of blocks but in 17 years, we’ve never worked with anyone with a block in each category. Usually it averages around 3-4 categories.
So how do we release the energy blocks?
It really depends on the nature of the block. Some blocks just release as if they have turned into smoke, others have to be released by visualisation techniques or via a method using the governing meridians on the top of our head.
In the last 17 years, we have realised the following about energy blocks:
a) Nobody ever has to address a block more than once
b) Sometimes the block isn’t yours. It’s transferred from friends, inherited via family or our peers in work or school/college environments
c) Physical pain especially chronic pain comes from an emotional root or cause
d) We have worked with over 11,000 people at time of typing this
e) There hasn’t been a block yet that we couldn’t release
For more details about your own blocks and goals, feel free to use the enquiry form via the button below
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